Parental Resilience
No one can eliminate stress from parenting, but a parent’s capacity for resilience can affect how a parent deals with stress. Resilience is the ability to manage and bounce back from all types of challenges that emerge in every family’s life. It means finding ways to solve problems, building and sustaining trusting relationships including relationships with your own child, and knowing how to seek help when necessary.
Blue Water Center for Independent Living 810-648-2555
Boys Town National Hotline 800-448-3000
Catholic Family Services 989-673-5352
Family Planning 989-673-8118
List Psychological Services 989-673-5700
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS) 989-673-6191
Positive Alternatives (pregnancy options info) 989-672-4673
Thumb Area Psychological Associates 989-872-1800
AA Meetings in Tuscola County
Grief, Loss, & Bereavement
Covenant Visiting Nurse Association 989-872-2300
Compassionate Friends (Parent’s Grief Group) 877-969-0010
Grief Support Group (Ransford) 989-673-2175
Grief Support (Hospice/Marlette Hospital) 800-635-7490
Hospice of Michigan 888-247-5705
Precious Reflections 989-894-3015
Parental Classes/Support
Baby Pantry 989-670-4915
Early Head Start 989-672-1785
Family Planning Clinic 989-673-8118
Co-Parenting – List Psychological 989-673-5700
Michigan State University Extension (MSU E) 989-672-3870
Parent to Parent (TCHD) 989-673-1740
Parent Helpline 800-942-4357
Positive Alternatives 989-672-4673
Tuscola County Health Department Maternal Infant Health Services (MIHP) 989-673-1740
Great Start Tuscola-Love & Logic 989-673-2144 ext 30302
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Abuse and Assault Services
Adult & Children Protective Services 855-444-3911
Department of Health & Human Services 989-673-9100
Michigan Family Violence Helpline 800-996-6228
Thumb Area Assault Crisis Center 800-292-3666
Tuscola County Prosecuting Attorney 989-672-3900
Tuscola County Victim Services 989- 673-8161
Support Groups
Alzheimer’s Family Support Group (HDC) 989-673-4121
Arthritis Support 616-949-9938
Caregivers Support Coping w/ Chronic Illness 800-843-6394
Compassionate Friends 810-376-2801
Diabetic Support Group (Hills & Dales) 989-912-6365
Divorce Care Group 989-635-4348
Parkinson’s Support Group 800-843-6394
Polio (Michigan Polio Network) 989-739-4065
Stroke Support Group (McLaren-Flint) 810-342-5350
Thumb Area Psychological Services (TAPS) 989-872-1800
TLC Kinship Care 989-672-1022
Widowed Person’s Support 906-482-0494
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Alcohol & Drug problems
Addictions & Drug Abuse Referral Hotline 800-577-4790
Alcoholics Anonymous 800-356-9996
List Psychological 989-673-5700
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Sacred Heart (Bay City) 989-894-2991
Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS) 989-673-6191
AA Meetings in Tuscola County
Addiction Information
Crisis Assistance/Suicide Prevention
TBHS – Community Mental Health 989-673-6191
Holland Assessment Treatment 989-401-1815
Thumb Area Assault Crisis Center 800-292-3666
List Psychological 989-673-5700
Emergency 24-hour 911
Suicide Hotline
Domestic violence groups
Thumb Area Assault Crisis Center 800-292-3666
List Psychological 989-673-5700
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Here's what the community is saying
Here's what the community is saying
About us
Tuscola Great Start works to ensure every child in Tuscola County is safe, healthy, eager and ready to succeed in school and become contributing, productive members of an economically stable Tuscola County.
Quick links
These materials were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education
Great Start Tuscola
1401 Cleaver Rd
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 673-2144 ext 30325