Social Connections
Friends, family members, neighbors and community members provide emotional support, help solve problems, offer parenting advice and give concrete assistance to parents. Networks of support are essential to parents and also offer opportunities for people to “give back”, an important part of self- esteem as well as a benefit for the community. Isolated families may need extra help in reaching out to build positive relationships
Youth Programs
Boy Scouts of America 888-987-2688
Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan 800-497-2688
MSU Extension 4-H 989-672-3870
The Fowler Center 989-673-2050
New Light Consultants 989-672-0784
Innerlink Runaway and Homeless Youth Shelter 989-753-3431
Lapeer County Center 810-664-4431
Richville Conservation Club 989-673-7292
Caro Baseball Federation 989-673-5093
Brentwood Lanes 989-673-2330
Akron Country Lanes 517-691-5552
Charmont Food & Bowling 989-872-4321
Gateway Sportsman Club
MOPS Groups Search
MOPS Groups Tuscola
Tuscola County Campgrounds
Krystal Lake Campground 989-843-0591
Ber-Wa-Ga-Na Campgrounds 989-673-7125
Positive Alternatives (Parenting Education) 989-672-4673
Here's what the community is saying
Here's what the community is saying
About us
Tuscola Great Start works to ensure every child in Tuscola County is safe, healthy, eager and ready to succeed in school and become contributing, productive members of an economically stable Tuscola County.
Quick links
These materials were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education
Great Start Tuscola
1401 Cleaver Rd
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 673-2144 ext 30325